Friday, September 4, 2015

Bad Internet Connection

Hola good people! We are having difficulties with our internet connection right now, so I will not be able to post the happenings of this past week.  I will post as soon as we have a connection that will allow me to download pictures and write more than a few words without losing everything.  Just know I am well and I appreciate your thoughts and prayers, your posts on the blog, and your personal emails.  I really feel supported....hasta luego  or until I have a better connection!
Paz y Amor


  1. Hola! Just caught up with all your posts...sounds like quite an adventure. I am so proud of your courage in doing Mary's work in Mexico. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Peace and prayers.. Carol

  2. Thanks Carol, appreciate it very much! Hope all is well at C-M during this time of transition
