Thursday, October 13, 2016

Fun in the Midwest

What a glorious weekend this past weekend in Dayton, Ohio.  The leaves were changing and the weather was just perfect! We held our annual Directors Meeting at Bergamo.  The Directors from the 37 local Marianist communities gathered for sharing best practices and challenges in exercising leadership in our local communities.  Other time was devoted to some of the mundane that is necessary in running a house, ie, emergency contact, medical information, living wills, budgets and other sources information that assists a director in exercising his leadership. The first night the Novitiate community hosted a great social and the other two nights were hosted in the Bergamo Retreat Center.  As always, it was good to see some Brothers and catch up with the "happenings" of their lives. 

On Saturday morning we all attended the Ordination of Sean Downing, S.M..  The service was held at the UD Chapel and the choir made the ordination an outstanding experience.  The ordaining bishop, Archbishop Gustavo Garcia from San Antonio was so pastoral and caring during the whole time he was with us.  I think he delivered the best ordination homily I've heard in recent years!  Close to 300 people attended the Ordination and the dinner that followed.  Lot's of good food, conversation, and plenty of wine was had by all! The next day, Fr. Sean celebrated a Mass of Thanksgiving with close to 100 people attending.  He did an excellent job in presiding and preaching for the first time as Fr. Sean....there will be many more times and years ahead of him.  It certainly brought me back to my own ordination 17 years ago.  The memories are still priceless!
Ordination Day.  I was one of 40 concelebrants who was able to lay hands on Sean during the Ordination Ritual.  For the welcome to his new role among us as priest in the community, a line of close to 100 Brothers and Priests waited to embrace him and wish him peace during the Sign of was a beautiful moment!

Sean and I at the reception

The Founders of the Marianist Family: Fr. Chaminade, Mother Adele and Marie Terese de Lamorous
This is hanging in the new Chaminade Center on the property of Bergamo

The 3 Founders (puppets) reading their own Biographies!

After my time in Dayton, I flew to St. Louis to go to some doctors appointments and to celebrate Mass on the Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar (Oct 12) at one of our Marianist Sponsored Secondary Schools.  I was invited to preside by my good friend Mallory Green.  She is currently the Director of Campus Ministry at St. Mary's.  I arrived early (7:30am) to hear some Confessions before Mass and then celebrated a festive Eucharist with close to 400 high school boys!  It was great seeing Mallory whom I knew when I lived in Hawaii.  I helped her during her time at St. Louis School by presiding at Masses, hearing Confessions, and helping out on Retreats.  We were part of a Lay Community together.  She is committed to the Marianist Charism and is a breath of fresh was so good to see her again.
Mallory and guess who?

So, I returned back home to Mexico last night.  Today I will hear First Confessions and the weekend will be booked with special Masses for the Feast of Our Lady of the Pillar in one of the colonia (Friday 9pm and Saturday 2pm), and 3 Masses on Sunday.  So, this American will be busy preparing 3 homilies for the next 3 days....God give me strength!

Have a great one!!!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Feast of the Guardian Angels

Yesterday the Society of Mary celebrated the Feast of the Guardian Angels.  This feast is important to us because we consider it our Foundation Day.  Yesterday we celebrated 199 years of existence.  During this coming year we will have various celebrations throughout the year to mark our Bicentennial.  Watch for more posts about the Bicentennial throughout the year!

Meeting of CLAMAR

This past week was very busy for us here in Queretaro.  We had 8 visitors from Latin America here for the annual meeting of the Latin American Superiors (CLAMAR).  The Brothers arrived on Monday at different points during the day.  The following members are Superiors in their country and attended the meeting: Fr. Rodrigo Betancur, S.M. (Columbia), Fr. Andres Tocallini, S.M. (Argentina), Fr. Javier de Aguire, S.M. (new superior of Argentina), Br. Jose Pascual, S.M. (Chile), Br. Doug Roper, S.M. (Peru), Br. Domingo Fuentes, S.M. (Brazil), Br. Javier Anso, S.M. (Cuba), and myself (Mexico).

The days were long and action packed.  We discussed many issues including vocations, formation, educational projects, parishes, the realities of the Church in each of the countries, the Bicentennial, leadership and various other theme's.  The day's began at 7am with Morning Prayer/Mass and Breakfast, followed by meetings until 2pm, the Comida, break, followed by more meetings until Vespers followed by La Cena and a nightly social.  Each night we had a Mexican cultural treat.  Tuesday night members from the Church Choir came to share some songs with us, Wednesday a local Mariachi Band came and played and entertained us, and Thursday we were entertained with Mexican Folk Dance performed by a group of people from the Chapel.  Each participant brought with them some sweets and drinks to share with all of us.  It was a long week, but it was great and our local community all pitched in and helped out tremendously during this time together.  We really shared an international experience of community and fellowship.  On Friday, we took an early bus to make a pilgrimage to the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe.  We spent a good 2 hours there exploring all the pilgrimage sites.  After our visit to the Basilica, we had a great meal and then dropped off all the Brothers at the airport in Mexico City so that they could return home to their communities....a bit heavier but content!

Fr. John, Fr. Andres, Br. Domingo, Br. Doug, Fr. Rodrigo, Br. Jose, Fr. Javier, and Br. Javier

Marianist Cross on our Property

An Evening with the Mariachi in our Dining Room

Our Lady of Guadalupe

Mary appears to Juan Diego

Original Basilica

On  Saturday evening, 11 members of the Chapel community made their consecration as Lay Marianists.  An additional 4 members renewed their commitment to grow in the spirituality of the Marianists.  It was a great evening and many of the members were touched and overwhelmed by making this commitment.  This community, Divino Nino, traveled together for the past six months with the assistance of Br. Regulo.  After the Mass we all shared in a great meal together.  On Sunday, I celebrated 2 more Masses....needless to say that I was tired by Sunday night.  Today I was able to get to the gym and work off some of the great food and drinks from our time together. 

Here's my homily from the Marianist Consecration Mass:

Homily for Marianist Consecration

October 1, 2016
Good evening Church!  If you are happy to be here tonight, say Amen! Yes, tonight is a special and important night not only for the men and women who are making their consecration, but also, for those of us who gathered here tonight to witness their consecration.  Their desire to grow deeper in their faith and their vocation as a committed lay person in the Church is an incredible testimony to the importance of faith and the Marianist charism in their lives, Amen?  The Word of God this day offers them, and us, something important to consider in our lives. Three words come to mind when hearing the Word of God this evening: Vision, Passion and Faith.  Repeat after me, Vision, Passion and Faith.  Very good Church, you are learning!
The prophet Habakkuk calls upon the Lord in a time of distress and God tells the prophet, “Write down the vision clearly upon the tablets, so that one can read it readily. For this vision has its time, presses on to fulfillment and will not disappoint, if it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late.” So, do you believe that God has a vision for your life? We all know, that God’s timing is not our timing.  Our community members have been preparing for this night for a long time.  Many have been part of this Chapel community for many years, and yet tonight they are making their consecration.  Sometimes the vision needs more time for us to see it clearly, Amen? And the vision will not disappoint.  As you make your consecration tonight, the only way you will be disappointed is if you do not live up to your commitment that you make tonight.  God called you, Mary confirmed this call, now you must live it.  The call will not disappoint if you live this call with joy and freedom.  Tonight you are joining thousands of other men and women throughout the world who for the past two hundred years embraced the vision of Fr. Chaminade and committed themselves to the Blessed Mother in bringing her Son into the world.  The vision is grand and inspiring.  Tonight you are being called to live this vision in a particular way as members of the Divine Child community.  There are many others gathered in this Church who have embraced this similar vision of Fr. Chaminade either as a lay person or as a vowed religious, and the vision did not disappoint, Amen? So, it is important to write down the vision, to remember what captured your heart in the words of Fr. Chaminade and the virtues of the Blessed Mother.  These will guide you on our journey.  And so VISION is crucial to staying on the path.
Saint Paul wrote to Timothy, “I remind you to stir into flame the gift of God that you have through the imposition of my hands.  For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice, but rather of power and love and self-control.” In other words, Paul is telling Timothy, be Passionate, set a fire in your heart so that you can have PASSION in sharing your faith.  Passion helps us to not be afraid.  If we are passionate about our lives and our faith, it will be contagious to others.  Often, Fr. Chaminade wanted his first followers to be a contagion in the world.  Fr. Chaminade wanted the early brothers and lay men and women to infect others with a deep and abiding faith.  Fr. Chaminade knew that the only way for others to come to a deeper faith was to witness other people who were passionate about their own faith.  It wasn’t only a matter of the intellect, but a deep and profound faith that resided in an individual and who incorporated both the head and the heart into their faith lives.  You all have learned some things about the Marianist charism, the sayings of Fr. Chaminade, the ways of the Mother of God and that is very important.  But, the way you incorporate these intellectual ideas with a passionate heart is what will attract others to want to make this same commitment that you will make tonight.  All believers must have a fire in their heart.  The fire in your heart will make you passionate about your faith and your commitment.  The fire in your heart will attract others to want to make a similar commitment.  God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but a spirit of power and love and of self-control, Amen?  So PASSION will keep your commitment strong!
And finally, the Gospel reminds us of the importance of FAITH.  The disciples made a very simple request of Jesus, “Increase our faith”.  I am sure everyone in this Chapel has asked the same thing of Jesus at one time or another in our lives, Amen?  And Jesus gives his disciples such an assuring response, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed you can do great things”.  Now I hope that everyone in this chapel knows how small a mustard seed is.  If you were to put a seed on your finger, it would be so small that you might not be able to see it.  But the thing about mustard seeds is that they may start out small, but one seed could grow into a tree very tall.  So, a mustard seed can be deceiving.  When one looks at the seed, one might think, well what good is that seed, it is so small.  We might think about our own faith in the same way.  We may think about our faith lives and think, well what can I do with my faith, it is so small and I have so many doubts.  What can God do with me?  Well that one small seed can grow to eventually become a sturdy tree.  God can do the same for you and for me.  All we need is a little faith and God will do the rest.  As Mother Teresa once said, “God does not expect us to do big things, God expects us to do small things with great love.” Lord increase our faith.  Well, making a commitment tonight does not mean that you have the greatest and best faith in the Colonia…sorry.  It means that you are taking your mustard seed and allowing God to help you grow into a sturdy and steady man and woman of faith.  With the faith that you have today, God can use you to do more than you ever could have imagined.  When you say yes to God, there are many more possibilities open for your life than you every thought possible.  When I entered the Marianists twenty six years ago, I never thought that I would one day be in a Chapel in Mexico witnessing the consecration of lay men and woman.  With God, all things are possible, Amen? So FAITH will deepen your commitment over the years.

So tonight is about VISION, PASSION, and FAITH.  Does your commitment tonight require you to be perfect from now on?  I doubt it.  But, I do think that your commitment tonight will now give you a specific vision for your life that will help you live a passionate faith that will  honor God and provide a good reason to help your sisters and brothers in need.  Yes my friends, tonight is about you and the consecration that you will make, but it is also about each of us and how we deepen our baptismal call to follow Jesus Christ, Son of God, become Son of Mary, for the salvation of all.  And so, it is good for us to be here, Amen?
                             Homilía para Marianista Consagración
                                    1 de octubre de, el año 2016

Buenas Tardes Iglesia! Si está contento de estar aquí esta noche, decir amén! Sí, esta noche es una noche especial e importante no sólo para los hombres y mujeres que están haciendo su consagración, sino también, para aquellos de nosotros que se reunieron aquí esta noche para presenciar su consagración. Su deseo de crecer más profundamente en su fe y su vocación de laico comprometido en la Iglesia es un testimonio increíble de la importancia de la fe y el carisma marianista en sus vidas, Amén? La Palabra de Dios el día de hoy les ofrece, y nosotros, algo importante a tener en cuenta en nuestras vidas. Tres palabras vienen a la mente al oír la Palabra de Dios esta noche: visión, pasión y fe. Repita después de mí, visión, pasión y fe. Muy buena Iglesia, que están aprendiendo!
El profeta Habacuc pide al Señor en un momento de angustia y Dios le dice al profeta: «Escribe la visión que te he manifestado ponla clara en tabillas para que se pueda leer de corrido. Es todavía una visión de algo lejano, pero que viene corriendo y no fallara.  Si se tarda, espéralo, pues llegara sin falta. "Por lo tanto, es lo que creo que Dios tiene una visión para su vida? Todos sabemos, que el tiempo de Dios no es nuestro tiempo. Nuestros miembros de la comunidad se han estado preparando para esta noche durante mucho tiempo. Muchos han sido parte de esta comunidad de la capilla durante muchos años, y sin embargo, esta noche están haciendo su consagración. A veces, la visión necesita más tiempo para que podamos ver con claridad, Amén? Y la visión no va a defraudar. Como ustedes hacen su consagración esta noche, la única forma en que será decepcionado es que si ustedes no viven hasta su compromiso de que ustedes hagan esta noche. Dios se llama, María confirmó esta llamada, ahora Uds. tienen que comportarse. La llamada no va a defraudar si vive esta llamada con alegría y libertad. Esta noche se están uniendo a miles de hombres y mujeres en todo el mundo que durante los últimos doscientos años abrazó la visión del P. Chaminade y se comprometieron a la María en traer a su Hijo al mundo. La visión es grande e inspirador. Esta noche están siendo llamados a vivir esta visión de una manera particular, como miembros de la comunidad Divino Niño. Hay muchos otros se reunieron en esta Iglesia que han abrazado esta visión similar de P. Chaminade ya sea como laico o como religiosos con votos, y la visión no defraudó, Amén? Por lo tanto, es importante anotar la visión, para recordar lo que capturó su corazón en las palabras del P. Chaminade y las virtudes de María, Madre de Dios. Estos le guíen en el camino. Y así que la visión es crucial para mantenerse en el camino.

San Pablo escribió a Timoteo: "Te recuerdo para agitar el fuego del don de Dios que tiene a través de la imposición de mis manos. Porque no nos ha dado un espíritu de temor, sino de fortaleza, de amor y de moderación." En otras palabras, Pablo está diciendo a Timoteo, ser apasionado, encender un fuego en tu corazón para que pueda tener pasión en compartir su fe. La pasión nos ayuda a no tener miedo. Si nos apasiona nuestra vida y nuestra fe, va a ser contagiosa a otros. A menudo, el P. Chaminade quería que sus primeros seguidores a ser un contagio en el mundo. P. Chaminade quería que los primeros hermanos y laicos, hombres y mujeres para infectar a otras personas con una fe profunda y duradera. P. Chaminade sabía que la única manera para que otros vengan a una fe más profunda fue testigo de otras personas que estaban apasionados de su propia fe. No era sólo una cuestión de la inteligencia, sino una fe intensa y profunda que residía en un individuo y que incorpora tanto la cabeza como el corazón en su vida de fe. Todos ustedes han aprendido algunas cosas sobre el carisma marianista, los dichos de P. Chaminade, las formas de la Madre de Dios y esos son muy importante. Sin embargo, la forma de incorporar estas ideas intelectuales con un corazón apasionado es lo que va a atraer a otros a querer hacer el mismo compromiso que va a hacer esta noche. Todos los creyentes deben tener un fuego en su corazón. El fuego en su corazón le hará un apasionado de su fe y su compromiso. El fuego en su corazón va a atraer a otros a querer hacer un compromiso similar. Dios no nos ha dado un espíritu de temor, sino un espíritu de fortaleza, amor y moderación,  Amén? Así PASIÓN mantendrá su fuerte compromiso!
Y por último, el Evangelio nos recuerda la importancia de la fe. Los discípulos hicieron una petición muy simple de Jesús, "Auméntanos la fe". Estoy seguro de que todos en esta capilla han hecho la misma cosa de Jesús en un momento de nuestras vidas, Amén? Y Jesús da a sus discípulos una respuesta tan tranquilizadora, "Si tuvieron fe, aunque fuera tan pequeña como una semilla de mostaza, podrían hacer grandes cosas.” Ahora espero que todo el mundo en esta capilla saben qué tan pequeña es una semilla de mostaza. Si tuvieran que poner una semilla en su dedo, sería tan pequeña que pueden que no sea capaz de verlo. Pero lo que pasa con las semillas de mostaza es que pueden empezar desde abajo, pero una semilla podría crecer en un árbol muy alto. Por lo tanto, una semilla de mostaza puede ser engañosa. Cuando uno mira a la semilla, se podría pensar, así lo buena que es la semilla, que es tan pequeña. Podríamos pensar en nuestra propia fe de la misma manera. Podemos pensar en nuestra vida de fe y pensar, bueno lo que puedo hacer con mi fe, es tan pequeña y tengo tantas dudas. ¿Qué puede hacer Dios conmigo? Así que una pequeña semilla puede crecer hasta eventualmente convertirse en un árbol robusto. Dios puede hacer lo mismo para ustedes y para mí. Todo lo que necesitamos es un poco de fe y Dios hará el resto. Como dijo una vez que la Madre Teresa, "Dios no espera que hagamos grandes cosas, Dios espera que hagamos cosas pequeñas con gran amor." Señor aumenta nuestra fe. Así, hacer un compromiso de esta noche no significa que ustedes tienen la mayor y mejor fe en la Colonia... lo siento. Esto significa que ustedes están tomando su semilla de mostaza y permitir a Dios que les ayudará a convertirse en un hombre y una mujer de fe robusta y estable. Con la fe que tenemos hoy en día, Dios puede usar para hacer más de lo que jamás podría haber imaginado. Cuando nosotros dicimos sí a Dios, hay muchas más posibilidades abiertas para nuestra vida de lo que cada pensamiento sea posible. Cuando yo entré en los Marianistas hace veintiséis años, nunca pensé que iba a ser un día en una capilla en México testigo de la consagración de hombres y mujeres laicos. Con Dios, todo es posible, Amén? Así que la fe va a profundizar sus compromisos a lo largo de los años.

Así que esta noche se trata de visión, pasión y fe. ¿Sus compromisos esta noche requieran un buen estado perfecto de ahora en adelante? Lo dudo. Pero, yo creo que sus compromisos esta noche ahora les darán una visión específica para sus vidas que le ayudarán a vivir una fe apasionada que honrarán a Dios y dar una buena razón para ayudar a sus hermanos y hermanas en necesidad. Sí mis amigos, esta noche es sobre de ustedes y la consagración que van a hacer, pero también se trata de cada uno de nosotros y cómo profundizar nuestro llamado bautismal de seguir a Jesucristo, Hijo de Dios, convertido en Hijo de María, para la salvación de todos . Y así, es bueno para nosotros que estemos  aquí, Amén?